Can 3D printers be used in the construction industry?

by Sergio Clark
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The vast population has benefited from various groundbreaking innovations, and it is quite challenging to imagine how people would have fared without some of these technologies. 3D printing is one of the many technological innovations that’s taking the production of solid objects to a whole new level. 3D printing is a technique that involves the use of computer-aided designs in the creation of solid objects with various shapes and designs.

As 3D printing technology continues to gain prominence in society, more and more industries continue to discover innovative applications of the technology. The construction industry is one of the sectors where 3D printing is highly sought after. This technology has been limited to the creation of prototypes, but there’s an ongoing trend where 3D printers are used in the construction of actual structures. This article takes a look at some of the long-term benefits that come with such practice.

3D buildings are more durable

Even though so many tests are carried out on the concrete in the preliminary stages of construction, it has been observed that 3D printer buildings provide more in terms of sturdiness. This quality can be attributed to the automated manner in which the materials are produced and assembled. In hindsight, there’s a massive reduction in maintenance rate due to the level of the sturdiness provided by this method of construction.

Construction becomes cheaper

The use of 3D printers in creating structures reduces the amount of manual labor needed in the process. Also, construction duration becomes shorter, and this eventually means buildings take lesser time to construct. When the project duration and manual labor cost are factored into the entire budget, there’s a noticeable reduction in the overall cost of construction.

Wastage is reduced drastically.

3D printers are quite precise in material estimation; this makes it possible to know the exact amount of concrete and other materials that will be needed for each wall panel. This level of precision ensures there are no wastages, thereby saving cost.

Reduction in construction-related injuries

One of the major impediments in building construction over the years remains the loss of lives via construction site hazards. In a typical construction site, there’s a myriad of hazardous injuries that could affect the pace of construction. However, the adoption of 3D printer buildings effectively reduces the possibilities of such injuries to the barest minimum.

Construction works can be completed in real-time.

You probably couldn’t have believed the possibility of completing a construction project within the space of 24 hours; this is what the use of 3D printers in construction brings to the table. Conventional construction methods are known to take quite a while as there are several processes in play. However, 3D printer buildings bypass most of those processes, and this ensures efficiency on all fronts.

Final thoughts

The use of 3D printing technology is gradually being embraced in various industries, and this is a welcome development. One of the industries that are looking to take advantage of this innovation is the construction industry; this article highlights the benefits of 3D printer buildings in this vital sector.

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